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Autodidacte, Andy Spits est un coach, explorateur, artiste, homme de transmission né en 1982 dans un petit village de campagne sur le plateau de Herve en Belgique.

Issu d’une famille d’entrepreneurs fort pris par leurs occupations, il passe une grande partie de son temps à l’extérieur dans la vaste propriété familiale au cœur de la nature. Il occupe ses journées à jouer dehors, à observer la nature, se balader dans les campagnes et observer les nombreux clients passant au sein de l’entreprise.

Très jeune, il est qualifié de rêveur, un enfant pour qui tout semble possible, qui se donne les moyens d’atteindre ses objectifs. Un enfant relativement solitaire créant son propre monde, en constante recherche. Un explorateur assoiffé d’apprendre, d’expérimenter, calme, mais souvent indomptable.

Très tôt il commence la pratique des arts martiaux par le judo et du kung-fu, qu’il poursuivra jusqu’à l’âge de jeune adulte. Il se prendra également de passion pour la course à pied et la musculation.


Dès son plus jeune âge, il sera également très attiré par les chevaux avec qui il liera un lien particulier. Il est à présent gardien de plusieurs équidés sauvés avec qui il partage sa vie.​


A l'âge de 15 ans il effectue son premier voyage seul au USA ou il part pour 1 mois, cette découverte lui donne envie d'aller plus loin dans l'exploration, il reconduira l'expérience plusieurs fois.


Quelques années plus tard, la danse va lui permettre de vivre une véritable vie nomade pendant presque une décennie. Il entreprendra également des voyages à caractère plus initiatique en Laponie et au Mexique où il vivra avec des locaux pendants 6 mois.


A l’âge de 17 ans il commence la danse par un ensemble de coïncidences. Son esprit de curiosité et de challengeur le poussent rapidement à intégrer le monde de la compétition où il connaîtra vite le succès, jusqu’à finir dans le top 5 mondial à l’âge de 21 ans. Cette réussite fulgurante dans la danse lui offre la chance de quitter ses études, une aubaine pour un être n’ayant aucune affinité avec le système scolaire.

Sa carrière professionnelle commence par l’Europe pour s’étendre ensuite au reste du monde. Il transmet son art à plusieurs milliers de personnes lors de congrès internationaux allant de Paris à Los Angeles en passant par Berlin et Londres.

Passionné par la scène, par le jazz et la culture afro-américaine des années 1920-1930, il occupe de nombreux postes dans le monde du spectacle. Danseur, metteur en scène, chanteur, comédien… Comme lors de son enfance, il crée son propre monde au fort parfum des années de prohibition.

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Très jeune il s’intéresse à l’entrepreneuriat et sur conseil de son grand-père, homme d’affaires, monte des petites affaires dès l’âge de 12 ans. Vendant tour à tour des cageots de fruits coupés dans la propriété familiale, des paquets de gaufres faites maison, jusqu’à en arriver à l’organisation d’évènements à l’âge de 16 ans.


En parallèle avec sa carrière de danseur, il monte plusieurs écoles de danse à Lyon, à Montpellier pour terminer par la création d’une réseau d’écoles de danse swing en Belgique. Il va jusqu’à créer une école de formation et accueille jusqu’à 800 élèves par semaine.


Sa passion pour la création et l’entrepreneuriat le poussent à créer une structure événementielle spécialisée dans les spectacles et les évènements à thème. Il travaille avec des enseignes de renommée internationale comme le Crowne Plaza, Johnson & Johnson, Axa,…


Self-taught, Andy Spits is a coach, explorer, artist, man of transmission born in 1982 in a small country village on the Herve plateau in Belgium.

Coming from a family of entrepreneurs very busy with their business, he spends a large part of his time outside on the vast family property in the heart of nature. He occupies his days playing outside, observing nature, walking in the countryside and observing the many customers passing through the company.

Very young, he is described as a dreamer, a child for whom everything seems possible, who gives himself the means to achieve his goals. A relatively lonely child creating his own world, in constant research. An explorer thirsty to learn, to experiment, calm, but often indomitable.

Very early on, he began practicing martial arts through judo, which he continued until he was a young adult. He will also develop a passion for running and bodybuilding.


From an early age, he will also be very attracted to horses with whom he has a special bond. He is present guardian of several saved equines with whom he shares his life.

His nomad path
At the age of 15 he made his first trip alone to the USA where he left for 1 month, this discovery made him want to go further in exploration, he would repeat the experience several times. A few years later, the dance will allow him to live a real nomadic life for almost a decade. He will also undertake more initiatory trips to Lapland and Mexico where he will live with locals for 6 months.

His artistic path
At the age of 17 he began dancing with a set of coincidences. His spirit of curiosity and challenge prompted him to enter the world of competition where he quickly found success, until he ended up in the top 5 in the world at the age of 21. This dazzling success in dance offered him the chance to quit his studies, a godsend for a being who had no affinity with the school system.

His professional career began in Europe and then extended to the rest of the world. He passed on his art to several thousand people at international congresses ranging from Paris to Los Angeles via Berlin and London.

Passionate about the stage, jazz and African-American culture from the 1920s to 1930s, he held many positions in the entertainment world. Dancer, director, singer, actor… As in his childhood, he creates his own world with the strong scent of years of prohibition.

His path as an entrepreneur
Very young he was interested in entrepreneurship and on the advice of his grandfather, a businessman, started small businesses from the age of 12. Alternately selling crates of fruit cut from the family property, packages of homemade waffles, until he got to organizing events at the age of 16.

In parallel with his career as a dancer, he set up several dance schools in Lyon, in Montpellier and ended with the creation of a network of swing dance schools in Belgium. It goes so far as to create a training school and welcomes up to 800 students per week.

At the same time, his passion for creation and entrepreneurship led him to create an event structure specializing in shows and themed events. He works with internationally renowned brands such as Crowne Plaza, Johnson & Johnson, Axa, ...

His spiritual path
At the age of 2.5 years Andy is hospitalized for a benign operation which ends in a generalized infection and a month of intensive care at the end of which the doctors ask his parents to prepare for his departure. A true miracle worker, he recovered completely in a few days with the utter incomprehension of the doctors, who never knew how to explain the illness he had had.

Very sensitive and connected, he has witnessed strange phenomena from a very young age: visions, premonitory dreams that frighten him a lot. In adolescence these phenomena worried him so much that he decided to flee, spending hours of sport in order to be able to sleep peacefully.
As a young adult, he discovers that the consumption of marijuana cuts him off from this connection, soothes him and allows him to live a more or less 'normal' life. At the age of 25, a big emotional shock pushed him to immerse himself in Hindu philosophy, the study of Krishnamurti texts and certain Buddhist writings. He then reconnects little by little to his essence.

Newly in his thirties, he stops all drug use, including alcohol, thus opening his channel again. He then has various experiences of connection with previous lives, certain physical journeys and others of the mind which reconnect him to parts of him that he had totally buried.

At the age of 35 he decided to stop all his activities to devote himself exclusively to his spiritual research. He is in search of more meaning. He feels that there is a higher dimension calling him, without however knowing what it is.

After several years on this path, he then received very clear messages asking him to pass on his learning; first in a discreet way, before fully accepting his role of guide, man of transmission, coach and shaman.

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